Lower Risks on the High Seas
Ensuring safety and security through vigilant monitoring, proactive threat management, and coordinated response efforts.
Get Started TodayHomeland Security You
Can Count On
Pole Star’s DOMAIN engine provides real time access to thousands of active commercial vessels and hundreds of data sources representing the most comprehensive and accurate homeland monitoring in the maritime industry
Vessel Ownership
- Uncover UBO data and parent linkage to avoid nefarious activity and sanctions.
- View vessel characteristics and particulars, including owner and manager details, as well as recent port calls

Global & Country Sanctions Database
- Screen a vessel, its associated ownership, and management against sanctions, proprietary, enforcement action, and other official lists using best-in-class data from our alliance partners, Dow Jones Risk and Compliance including:
- Global Sanctions: A list of international sanctions, denied parties, and enforcement action lists.
- Country Sanctions: A ship’s flag and associated companies’ countries of registration, domicile, and control.
- Port State Control: The ship’s entire Port State Control history.
- Ship Movement History: A ship’s historic movements, highlighting visits to high-risk or sanctioned ports.

Sanctions Detection & Alerts
- Configure realtime, multi-parameter notifications and alerts, enabling proactive decisions from any location. (e.g. EEZs, high risk piracy areas, etc.)

Vessel Emissions Monitoring
- Screen a vessel against environmental regulations using emissions calculations and greenhouse gas emissions data to receive a vessel’s environmental impact rating compared to its competitors in a downloadable report.

Dark Activity/Ship-to-Ship Transfer Risk/AIS Spoofing
- Investigate periods of AIS non-reporting to locate a vessel in relation to high-risk transshipment areas and regulatory zones.
- Thoroughly investigate a vessel’s real-time, historical, and ongoing journey at a granular level, including ship-to-ship (STS) transfer risk, historical tracks, vessel replay, and ownership details. Track AIS spoofing history and predict such nefarious activity

Zone Setup, Detection, & Alerts
- See which ships are currently located within a user-defined radius of any ship or location.
- Ensure compliance by using up-to-date industry and environmental zones (including ECAs, EEZs, high-risk areas, and regulatory zones) or create your own custom zones to view your fleet in relation to nearby threats, regional risks, and regulatory requirements.
- Send alerts and test notifications to an unlimited number of recipients, with unlimited editing of recipient details, alert format selection, and delivery verification. Receive easy-to-understand enhanced location overviews of where and when an alert was triggered.

Homeland Security for These Industries
Flag States
Governments & Flag RegistriesGovernments &
Flag Registries
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Put our comprehensive maritime data sets to work for you to ensure the success of your coastal surveillance operations.
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Vessels Tracked
Financial Services Clients

“With the need to ensure we are working with ships that comply with global regulations, we need the best tools to carry out our checks and PurpleTRAC is one of those tools that is invaluable in us meeting these
regulatory standards.”
Leslie Mezzich
Business Development Director, PISR