The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane season continues to set new records.  September is certainly proving to be the busiest month of the season with Teddy and Vicky being the earliest 19th and 20th named storms. The prior record for “T” was 4th October, 2005 and 5th October, 2005 for “V”.

On Monday 14 Sept the Atlantic had five simultaneous hurricanes, tropical storms, and tropical depressions, with Hurricane Paulette, Hurricane Sally, Tropical Storm Teddy, Tropical Storm Vicky, and Tropical Depression Rene scattered across the tropical Atlantic. This brings the current tally to 1 major hurricane, 7 hurricanes and 21 named storms, yet we are only at the half way mark for the season.   

NOAA/GOES-East showing the various tropical systems across the Atlantic basin on 14th Sept 2020.

According to the WMO this ties the record for the most number of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin at one time set in September 1971.   Only two Atlantic hurricane seasons since 1851 have had that many named storms, and both of those during an entire season. The record was 28 named storms in 2005, followed by 1933, with 20 named storms.  Today, 16 Sept, NHC Miami are monitoring three further disturbances with several more easterly waves over Africa still to come. It is certain the Greek Alphabet will come in to play very shortly for only the second time on record!

NOAA is now predicting 25 named storms, of which 7-10 could be hurricanes, with 3-6 major hurricanes. This compares with an average year of 12 named storms, 6 hurricanes and 3 major hurricanes. It is time to brush up on your Greek alphabet.  The first and last time this was used was the record breaking year of 2005 which had numerous devastating hurricanes including Katrina, Rita and Wilma; whose names were all retired.  That year used 6 Greek alphabet names (alpha to zeta), so it is going to be interesting to see how far we get this year.

Stay connected and safe.