In the ever-evolving landscape of maritime sanctions, Russia’s “Dark Fleet” stands out as a formidable challenge for global enforcement. As international bodies, led by OFAC and the Coalition, attempt to curtail Russia’s economic engine through price caps on crude oil and LNG, a shadowy network of tankers continues to evade sanctions. This whitepaper delves into the sophisticated tactics used by the Russian Dark Fleet, from vessel transfers to shell companies, to exploit gaps in the sanctions framework. Learn how the global energy trade is being reshaped by sanctions evasion and what steps organizations can take to stay ahead of the compliance curve.

By downloading this whitepaper, you’ll gain insight into:

  • The emerging risks around Russian crude and LNG shipments.
  • How vessel ownership is transferred to bypass sanctions.
  • Key red flags for identifying non-compliant actors.
  • Practical recommendations for compliance officers to track dark fleet movements.

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