Contact Us

For sales, support, press, and media, or other general enquiries, get in touch with us today. Contact us by phone, email, or by using our online form.

Pole Star UK

3rd Floor, The Studio Building,
21 Evesham St,
London W11 4AJ

Pole Star USA

Pole Star Space Applications USA, Inc.
450 8th Ave SE,
St. Petersburg,
FL 33701

Pole Star Panama

C. Gonzalo Crance,
#166 City of Knowledge, Ancon,
Panama City, Panama

Pole Star Hong Kong

Unit 1011-15, 10/F, Tower B, New Mandarin Plaza,
14 Science Museum Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui East,
Hong Kong

Pole Star Singapore


Customer SupportCall: +44 20 7313 7403
Email: [email protected]
LRIT, CT or hardware ordersEmail: [email protected]
Sales (excluding LRIT, CT and Hardware orders)Call: +44 20 7313 7402 
Sales: [email protected]
Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Head OfficePole Star Space Applications
3rd Floor, The Studio Building, 21 Evesham St,
London W11 4AJ
Call: +44 20 7313 7400 
Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Press & Media Enquiries / MarketingEmail: [email protected]
FinanceEmail: [email protected]

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